Vaastu is an ancient tradition of design and construction. Often the old ways were better. Vaastu is one example of that. Conceived to be harmony with both nature and humanity, Vaastu’s technology can bring a person to a higher level of consciousness.

How does this happen? Each of us has a wave pattern that is with us from birth. Each structure also has a wave pattern as part of its nature. When the two patterns are not harmonious, you can feel it in your body and in your mind (image on the left). When the two patterns are harmonious, you can feel that also (image on the right).

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Vaastu technology makes it possible to build something—meditation space, house, or even a small table temple—for you that will be harmonious for many, many years. Often the effect is more than just harmonious—it’s uplifting. The longer a person is in this harmonic field and experiencing these subtle uplifting waves of energy, the more they change—for the better, of course.